The instructions below will show you how to install Softaculous for Windows on XAMPP.
Note: Softaculous will be accessible only from localhost(
- A working XAMPP i.e Apache, MySQL and PHP.
- Internet Connection.
- ionCube Loaders must be enabled. It can be downloaded from here.
- If you have firewall enabled, then please allow access to *.softaculous.com
Note: The following domains are used to download the script packages, so please allow access to them through your firewall. # api.softaculous.com # s1.softaculous.com # s2.softaculous.com # s3.softaculous.com # s4.softaculous.com # s7.softaculous.com
Installing Softaculous in XAMPP
- Download the Softaculous package from :
- Extract the package under XAMPP’s htdocs, generally C:/xampp/htdocs/softaculous(You will have to create softaculous folder).
- Access http://localhost/softaculous/install.php
- Apache will be stopped to load the ionCube Loader if the ionCube loader is not already loaded
- Fill in the details like:
- AMP Path : Location of the XAMPP.
- PHP Path : Path to PHP Binary e.g C:/xampp/php/php.exe
- Scripts Path : Softaculous will download the scripts like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc here.
- Private Folder : All the installation details, backups, data directory of few scripts will be stored here. It should not be web accessible.
- Document Root : Folder where scripts web directory will reside, generally C:/xampp/htdocs
- MySQL Root Password : MySQL Root Password. XAMPP’s default MySQL root password is (blank)

- Click on “Start Installation” to start the installation.
- In case of any error, you will have to submit the same form

- On success.

- Click the link which is displayed to access Softaculous, you can start installing scripts now.
Softaculous Cron
- In Windows Task Scheduler, the Softaculous installer will create an action that will run the cron every 24 hours. This Softaculous Cron will keep your Softaculous and Scripts up to date, allowing you to update your existing WordPress, Joomla, and other script installations to the latest version.
- If the installer was unable to create the action in Task Scheduler, you must manually configure it from the command prompt:
schtasks /create /tn "Softaculous Cron" /tr "\"C:\xampp\php\php.exe\" \"C:\xampp\htdocs\softaculous\cron.php\"" /sc daily /st 17:30
Note: Replace C:\xampp with correct xampp path.