SQL Functions

SQL provides no. of inbuilt functions which perform calculations on groups of rows and return one value for the whole group.

Commonly used SQL functions:

1. SQL AVG(): It is used to get the average value of a numeric column.

SELECT AVG(columnName) FROM tableName;

2. SQL COUNT(): It is used to get the number of rows that matches specified criteria.

SELECT COUNT(columnName) FROM tableName;

3. SQL FIRST(): It is used to get the first value of the selected column.

SELECT FIRST(columnName) FROM tableName;

4. SQL LAST(): It is used to get the last value of the selected column.

SELECT LAST(columnName) FROM tableName;

5. SQL MAX(): It is used to get the largest value of the selected column.

SELECT MAX(columnName) FROM tableName;

6. SQL MIN(): It is used to get the smallest value of the selected column.

SELECT MIN(columnName) FROM tableName;

7. SQL SUM(): It is used to get the total sum of a numeric column.

SELECT SUM(columnName) FROM tableName;