How To Check Softaculous Version

Check Softaculous Version from Command Line You can check the version of Softaculous installed on your server.  Execute the following command to get the Softaculous version installed : Thats it. This will display the Softaculous version installed.

How to replicate a softaculous server settings

Overview This tutorial will show you how to copy Softaculous server settings to a new server. Copy the universal.php In your new Softaculous Core, copy the old universal setting file to: TO : e.g. in cPanel, the universal.php is located at /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/enduser/universal.php Copy the iscripts.php Copy the Enabled scripts file from your old Softaculous Core to your […]

How to Rebuild Cache in Softaculous

The cache can be rebuilt from the command line. To use the rebuild cache utility, run the following command: For cPanel SSH to your server as root and enter following commands : For Direct Admin SSH to your server as root and enter following commands : For Plesk SSH to your server as root and enter following commands : For ISPManager, ISPConfig SSH to your […]

Repair Binary Utility in Softaculous

Repair Binary from Command Line You can use the command line to repair the Softaculous binary on your server. To activate the repair utility, run the following command: For cPanel SSH to your server as root and enter following commands : For Direct Admin SSH to your server as root and enter following commands : For Plesk SSH to your server as […]

Immediate Synchronize with Softaculous Servers

If you want to synchronize your license after purchasing one, go to your Softaculous Admin Panel and click the Refresh License link. Your license information will be synchronized as a result of this. To synchronize the Scripts / Software, go to the Softaculous Admin Panel’s Software Tab and click “Update Settings.” You’ll see a log […]

How To Update Softaculous

Overview This guide will show you how to immediately update Softaculous. If you haven’t disabled auto-updates, Softaculous will update itself every 24 hours by default. Softaculous can be updated using either the Softaculous Admin Panel or the CRON command. Updating by CRON command To upgrade Softaculous, simply run the CRON command on your server.SSH into […]

Installing Softaculous in AMP

Overview Softaculous maintains a separate package for AMP (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) for developers, i.e. this package should work in any environment with working Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Softaculous supports the common WAMP stacks such as XAMPP, WAMP Server, and EasyPHP. Softaculous Panels will only work on localhost/ because it is only for development purposes. […]

Installing Softaculous in EasyPHP

Overview The instructions below will show you how to install Softaculous on EasyPHP. Note: Softaculous will be accessible only from localhost( Requirements A working EasyPHP i.e Apache, MySQL and PHP. Internet Connection. ionCube Loaders must be enabled. It can be downloaded from here. If you have firewall enabled, then please allow access to * Note: The following […]