Rebranding Options in Softaculous
1)Click on the Settings Tab menu in the Softaculous Admin Panel. 2)You will be redirected to the Settings Page, where you can enter your site name and logo URL, as shown below. Then select “Edit Settings” from the drop-down menu. 3)Thats it you are done.
How to Blacklist Scripts in Softaculous
How to Blacklist Scripts You can use Softaculous to create a list of scripts that you want to remove from your server. To disable scripts on your server, add the script ids of the scripts you want to disable to the following file in a serialized array format: For cPanel : /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/conf/blacklist.ser For Direct Admin : /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/conf/blacklist.ser For Plesk, ISPManager, […]
How to Reorder Script Categories in Softaculous
Overview This page will show you how to reorder the script categories so that you can find the one you’re looking for quickly. 2) When you select the Categories Tab menu, you will be taken to a page where you can view all of the Script Categories. 3) Now just drag and drop as per […]
How to store Database Passwords in encrypted format in Softaculous
How to store Database Passwords in encrypted format This tutorial will show you how to use Softaculous to store database passwords in encrypted format. Note: For all password encryption, a common salt is used, which is stored in the universal.php file on your server. The salt is required to decrypt the password, and if it […]
How To Disable Auto Upgrade In Softaculous
Overview The instructions below will show you how to disable auto upgrade for user installations from the Softaculous Admin panel. You can disable auto upgrade for a specific script, which will prevent installations of that script from being auto upgraded for all users on your server. NOTE : Disable Auto Upgrade feature is available in Softaculous […]
Remove Options in Softaculous
Overview When removing an installation, Softaculous allows Endusers to choose to leave the directory, database, database user, data directory, and www directory alone.When removing an installation, use these settings to hide the option for the user to leave the directory, database, database user, data directory, and www directory alone. Select the required fields in the […]
How To Prepend Prefix to Admin Username in Softaculous
Overview If you want to prepend a prefix to the Admin username field for all scripts, you’ll need to change these settings. The enduser install page of scripts like WordPress, Joomla, and others will reflect this setting. This setting can be found in the Enduser Setting Section of the Softaculous Admin Panel -> Settings -> […]
How to Import/Export Settings in Softaculous
Overview This tutorial will show you how to import and export Softaculous settings. Note : At the moment, this feature is only available for cPanel, Directadmin, and Plesk. Export/Import Settings If you want to use the previous settings, you can export the Softaculous settings and then import them, or you can use this to replicate the […]